Yes, we mean HER. The one that wears your favorite dress without asking, tags along to every event, tattles on you, tugs at you, and talks your ear off. That sister of yours, whether older or younger, truly makes you a healthier human! Don’t believe us ??

Here are 5 Science Backed Facts to prove it

1- Having a sister just makes you nicer. Research has found that sisters have the most impact on kindness in their siblings. Think of all the times that you shared with gritted teeth, muttered, “ok fine” in response to, “can I play?”, or took the time to give your sister comfort. All those instances were promoting generosity and compassion within you !  

2- Your sister makes you feel better. A study from Brigham Young University found that siblings of sisters (wether younger or older) experience less loneliness, fear, and guilt than those without sisters. So, in essence, she is like a natural mood booster !! 

3- Sisters make you feel the LOVE. The Brigham Young study also found siblings of sisters have a greater sense of feeling loved than those without. This was found to be particularly true for adolescents experiencing times of trouble. And we all know you can’t have too much love and support as a teenager. 

4- Sisters even benefit your other relationships! Research has found that families with a daughter engage in more communication and emotional expression than those without. And the more communication lines you have open, the healthier you and your relationships tend to be. So, when she seemingly talks forever about the day, your feelings, her thoughts, your feed, her friends… you should really thank her for conditioning you to open communication and expression in your relationships. 

5- When you have a sister, you have great practice communicating with women. If you are close to someone with a sister, you may know, they communicate more comfortably, openly, and empathically than someone without one. This is especially true as we get older. So, all those compliments you gave gotten on your communication skills with women, you can thank your sister for that ! 

Well, there you have it ! In addition to a second closet to raid and an ever present companion growing up, you have a walking talking health benefit in that sister of yours!! Next time she steals your favorite shoes, talks your ear off, or picks a fight - remember that there are much more meaningful and lifelong benefits of keeping her around ! 

P.S. None of this in any way indicates that you should not immediately go get those favorite shoes back !! 

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